Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week 1 EOC: My Voice

Cartoons are a way of life for me. I just love them that much. I started out watching the classics such as Popeye and Looney Tunes. I'm even still into the old Three Stooges classics, as well as Abbott and Costello, and even the Marx Brothers. I may have been born in the 90's, but I fell in love with a lot of classics thanks to my dad.

Character design and character development are two of the main things that I love about drawing. I want my characters to be able to come to life. I want them to be animated and be able to walk on screen with their own personality and way they're portrayed. I have been creating many characters growing up, but I think I have the right mindset as of this point in time. I would even be happy to draw and create more characters to help my client envision what they were asking for on screen or paper.

I may have started drawing later in my life, but my love for cartoons and animation has stuck with me since before I entered kindergarten. I even loved the educational cartoons I watched as I grew up with PBS, and then moved on to Cartoon Network. Cartoons sure have changed since then, but I always say to myself, "Let's see where this'll take us."

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